About Mixed Signals
Mixed Signals is an infrequent newsletter about developing experimental tools for remixing sound and art.
Who are you?
I am Brian Foo, an artist and computer scientist based in Washington, DC. I am currently a Senior Innovation Technologist at the Library of Congress Labs (views are my own.) My work tends to be about visualizing or remixing collections of historical, cultural, or scientific material. I am the creator of Citizen DJ, a tool for making hip-hop music using Library of Congress audio and video material, and Data-Driven DJ, experiments in making music using public datasets. I also made a bunch of other things.
What do you post about?
My posts usually are about a project or experiment I recently finished. My recent projects tend to be about creatively remixing audio and other art.
How often do you post?
I expect to publish about one to three posts per year, shortly after I finish a project. I also like to make my posts short to avoid procrastination on my part.
How do I subscribe?
Click here to subscribe. I do not charge for subscriptions and all my projects to date have been free and open-source. I don't spam, advertise, or solicit. I do not use social media, so this is the primary way that I announce new work.